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  • welchpattie

Why I love today’s advertising clients.

Updated: Feb 15

Call me naïve, you would not be the first, but I believe the business of advertising is getting gooder. Not better, in like, companies are doing super creative, “better” advertising with better ideas (although some are!) Gooder in the sense that more businesses are interested in doing more good. (Yeah, I know gooder is not a real word.)

Their motivations may not be completely altruistic however the outcomes are still beneficial.

I have been in advertising for a hot minute. The industry has endured tons of change over time, iterating and evolving with the culture. One big shift lately is an obvious opening toward inclusivity that reflects a more accurate representation of consumers. Another, is that eye-rolling word, "purpose". Even at this local level, working with young marketing managers, they are looking for purpose within their companies, and on a broader scale, their companies are all about purpose too. Sure, it’s good for business, and it also still makes a difference.

We’re all doing the best we can, with what we have, at the time. So I'm not saying marketing managers, companies, brands, and advertising people are dismantling a flawed capitalistic system. Rather, we're all making smaller, positive steps within the system we have right now. Baby steps, RBG style, can have lasting effects.

I have financial clients who believe in easing the burden for their customers, offering easier ways to pay, sometimes with zero interest.

I have government contracts that are squeezing every penny out of grant money to help those who most need it, regardless of if they get recognition for it or credit.

I have healthcare clients who are opening clinics as quickly as possible to be more accessible to underserved communities.

I have clients in the agriculture and farming space who are all about regenerative practices that are good for the land and the animal, despite that it is a huge investment to change their practices.

I have insurance clients who are streamlining the claims process so customers can have an easier experience—with less paper.

These seem like small things, and maybe they are. For sure they help the company stand apart from competitors, giving them a USP. The difference to me is, these were not the benefits companies were touting even just 5 years ago. These were not selling points. Most companies were not authentically operating from a place of purpose; it was merely a buzzword, a "nice-to-have". Maybe a company would even go so far as to make an alliance with a cause or make donations, perhaps to "offset" some other harm (aggressive business practices or harmful products for example.) In other words, it was all for show.

Now, companies are built on, and exist, for a purpose other than profit (or at least in addition to.) This is a given for many of our non-profit clients, but it feels new, refreshing, and encouraging coming from smaller, local companies that would typically market on price, quality, or service.

This why we love our clients! My guess is, it’s not just our clients. Which brings me hope and has made me stay in love with advertising. It makes working in this business, with all of you, that much more enjoyable and rewarding.

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